Tutorials Archives | ThriftCart

Reviewing A Driver's Emailed Route Sheet

Written by ThriftCart | Mar 27, 2023 12:36:00 PM

In this article, we will review the email version of the driver route sheet and the different features it entails.

1) When a driver first opens the route sheet email, they can see a list of all of the pickups in order for the day. Each pickup lists the information needed for the driver (address, contact info, items, notes, etc.) along with some functions for editing the stop.

2) The first button navigates the driver to a mobile-friendly browser page that lays out the stops in a similar format, but just outside of the actual email application. (Note: for the sake of this article, we will use the view from the email application.)

3) The first line displays the address of the pickup for the driver. Ideally, the driver can just press the highlighted address and this will open the phone’s default navigation app. If this does not open the application, the driver can copy and paste the address into their desired navigation app.

5) The next section displays the donor’s contact information in case the driver needs to reach out to the donor.

6) The next section displays items for this pickup.

7) The next section is a link that the driver can press to open a variety of action steps for this pickup.

a) The first action button is to add an additional item to the donation pickup if the donor has an extra item(s) they would like to donate.

b) The next action item is the option to reject and un-reject items. If the driver goes to pick up a donated item and finds it in unsuitable condition, they can reject it, and the item is not included in the donor’s tax receipt. If an item was rejected, the driver has the option to un-reject it.

c) The next action button is to cancel the entire pickup. If there is a circumstance where the pickup must be cancelled, the driver can do so here.

d) The driver can also issue an emailed donation tax receipt from this action page.

e) This action page also has a button for the driver to press that sends a pre-formatted text to the next donor, informing them that they are the next stop and that the driver is on the way. (Note: this text can be sent multiple times).

f) If the donor informed during the scheduling process that they would like to provide a cash or check donation to your organization, the driver can mark if the donation was received.

g) Once the driver has finished all needed actions, he may press the “Return to driver portal” button or return to his email application.

9) The email route sheet also displays driver notes. These include generic notes, estimated time of pickup, estimated stop duration, and if the donor previously made a monetary donation in connection with this pickup.

10) The bottom of the email informs the driver where to deliver the picked up items at the end of his route.