Tutorials Archives | ThriftCart

List of User Permissions | ThriftCart

Written by Noah Valen | Jun 2, 2023 11:52:00 AM

Cash Register

  • Cash Register – determines whether or not a user can access the “cash register” page.
  • Price Override – determines the ability for a user to manually change the price of a line item in the register with or without supervisor approval.
  • Refund – determines the ability for a user to issue a refund in the register with or without supervisor approval.
  • Return – determines the ability for a user to issue a return in the register with or without supervisor approval.
  • Cash Drawer – determines the ability for a user to access any cash drawers function (recording balance or opening cash drawer.
  • Discounts – determines whether or not a user can access the “Manage Coupons and Discounts” page (note: users can still apply pre-built discounts in the register even when this is turned off).
  • Manage Store Credit – determines whether a user can see store credit balances.
  • Open Store Credit Issue – determines whether or not a user can issue store credit without payment from customer or returned merchandise from customer.
  • Sold Items – View sold tickets that need to be picked up.
  • Sold Ticket Print – Print sold tickets (this is also covered by Cash Register).


  • Add Inventory Batch – Inventory additions are grouped in batches (this can be one shipment from a supplier, one batch of donated items from a donor, or an entire day’s worth of goods.) This permission lets you create a new batch.
  • Add Item – Create new items in inventory.
  • Add Pictures – Add pictures of items to items already created.
  • Barcode Map – Associate a barcode with a ThriftCart item ID. This is useful if the item comes prepackaged with a manufacturer barcode.
  • Inventory – Do inventory adjustments and transfers.
  • Manage Categories – View the list of categories/departments in the Manage Categories section.
  • Delete Category – Delete categories/departments.
  • Manage Items – View and edit existing items.
  • Move Category – Move a category department to a different parent category/department.
  • New Category – Create a new category/department.
  • Print Barcode – Print barcodes for items.
  • Purchase Order – Create and process purchase orders.
  • Blind In-Process – Enter items from a purchase order into inventory but be unable to see the counts ordered.
  • Reorder – Set up reorder alerts.

Pickup/Stop Scheduling

  • Manage Pickups – Create, edit, and manage pickups.
  • Call Logger – View the call logger section to record and manage voicemails.
  • GPS Tracking – View GPS tracks of trucks.
  • Delete Trucks – Delete trucks from the list of trucks.
  • Edit Zones – Change the geographical area that you serve.
  • Manage Trucks – Add trucks and manage pickup limits.


  • Timesheet – Clock in and clock out.
  • Timesheet Admin – Edit enrollments, manually change timesheets, view history, and more.
  • Print Timesheet – Have access to print off timesheets.
  • Timesheet Name Search – Search enrollments by name for clocking in and clocking out.
  • View Timesheets – Have access to view timesheets.
  • Worker Enrollment – Enroll contacts in a timesheet project.
  • Worker Schedule Setup – Configure the worker scheduling system.
  • Worker Schedule – Set up the calendar for worker scheduling.

Relation Satisfaction

  • RelationRank Admin – Set up customer satisfaction surveys.
  • Satisfaction – Currently unused.
  • Text Message Discount Admin – Set up one-time use coupon codes for direct-response text message marketing.

Drop off Donations

  • Add Drop Off – Add a drop-off as an employee or link a self-service kiosk.
  • Add Drop Off Self Service – Currently unused.
  • Manage Drop Off – View the list of drop offs, send receipts, etc.
  • Manage Drop Off Passwords – Manage a list of employee passwords used to approve drop-offs entered on the self-service kiosk.
  • Self Scheduled Drop Offs – Set up and manage self-scheduled drop off appointments.


  • Consignment – Set up contacts as consignors, set consignment rates, view consigned items, and manage payouts.

Settings and Admin

  • Manage Settings – Be allowed to tweak various system settings, including editing customer loyalty point balances (if your account is up-to-date).
  • Manage Permissions – Create new users and manage permissions of existing users.
  • Reports – View reports.
  • View Active Users – View a list of users currently logged in to ThriftCart, and log out logged in users.

Communications and Notifications

  • Send Notification – Send notifications to other users in the notifications bar at the top.
  • Add Contact – Create a new customer/donor record.
  • Manage Contacts – View and edit existing customer/donor records.
  • Letters – Manage and send letter templates.
  • Notification Recipient Settings – Set up who receives system notifications.
  • Notification Settings – Set up which system notifications are sent.
  • Email – View emails sent via ThriftCart.