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How Collaboration in the Workplace Improves Your Business

by | Sep 27, 2022

Remember the 1992 Dream Team? Referred to as the “greatest sports team ever assembled,” this Olympic basketball team went on to win the gold medal against Croatia. To achieve it, they had to collaborate as a team—something they weren’t able to pull off at first.

In fact, in one of their practice games, they were overtaken by a team of college players who won the game. Fortunately, the Dream Team were able to gel as a unit and achieve success.

“The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime.”

Source: Babe Ruth via BLULEADZ

As a business owner, you may have a team of exceptionally talented people, but if they can’t function together as a collaborative unit, it can prevent you from achieving your organizational goals.

Read on for 6 ways you can encourage collaboration in the workplace and enjoy greater success for your business:

1. Make Collaboration In The Workplace Part of Your Culture

According to a 2013 study, employees generally don’t collaborate in a workplace when there is little incentive to do so.

“The lack of incentives and rewards is the most common and powerful barrier to effective collaboration.

Source: Forbes

Strive to create a culture in which collaborative behaviors flourish by making sure that everyone understands that working together as a team is expected as a company and that each and every member of the organization has a role to play in the business’s success.

2. Recognize Employee Strengths & Use them Judiciously

Your road to building a collaboration in the workplace begins with recognizing each employee’s strengths, abilities, and weaknesses. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll know how to build teams based on your employees’ capabilities so that team players complement and depend upon each other.

This will result in better productivity because employees will be happier with their assigned tasks. Additionally, employees with a weakness in one particular area, know who to turn to in order to move forward with their assigned projects.

3. Discontinue Competitive Performance Ratings

Say goodbye to outdated methods of ranking and rating employees. Studies have shown that performance rankings aren’t effective as a means of motivation. Plus, they don’t encourage a spirit of collaboration, especially when used as a way to determine the weakest link and get rid of it. Nobody wants to help another employee that’s competing against them.

Consider holding regular one-on-one employee progress evaluations where employees can feel more relaxed and open to discussing their strengths, weaknesses, and goals.

4. Use Company Values to Unite Employees

Company values impact all aspects of your business, including the people you hire and keep on your team.

When your company’s employees understand organizational values, it’s easier to develop a team of like-minded people who feel a sense of community and solidarity.

Values help drive company culture and allow you to develop better relationships with your employees.

5. Communicate Company Objectives to Employees

Be transparent about company objectives, including issues and concerns your organization might be facing. This demonstrates to employees that you consider them a valuable and productive member of the team.

Additionally, employees who understand your business goals will be able to make informed day-to-day decisions that will support company objectives.

6. Provide Employees With Collaboration Tools

Using integrated tools keep employees updated on transactions, projects, and business processes so everyone is on the same page.

For example, a repair tracking program integrated with your POS can help technicians follow through with services, as well as keeping you updated on the status of every service/repair and automatically notifying customers via text message when their repair/service is completed.

When your employees have the tools they need to communicate and collaborate, business processes run more smoothly.


According to information found on Business.com, researchers at Stanford University found that employees were more productive, had more motivation and were more determined to persevere with challenges when they felt they were working with others on a task.

“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.”

Source: Henry Ford via BLULEADZ

Done right, collaboration in the workplace helps everyone feel like they’re invested in a common goal, leading to increased productivity, improved innovation, and a solid company culture.

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