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Emailing A Driver Route Sheet

by ThriftCart | Mar 27, 2023

To email a route sheet to your truck drivers, follow the steps below.

1. From either the Truck Scheduling Main Screen or underneath Pickup/Stop Scheduling on the left hand navigation bar, select Email/Print Route Sheet.

To email a route sheet to your truck drivers, follow the steps below.

2. On this page, you will be able to select the date, truck, and enter in the email address for your driver.

email address

3. First, clicking on the date dropdown field will open a calendar that you can use to select a route date.


4. Once you select the route date, you can select which truck’s route that you would like to email a route sheet for by opening the truck dropdown field.

truck dropdown field

5. Finally, enter in the driver’s email address to send him a list view of the pickup route.

email address

6. Once you press the Send Email button, the email will send to your driver and you will be redirected to a screen that will notify of the email being sent and give you options of where to go next.

 Send Email


To get more information and instruction on reviewing the emailed route sheets, check out the tutorial linked below.