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ThriftCart Reports

by Noah Valen | Jun 2, 2023
This article is still a work in progress – please be patient with unfinished info or broken links 🙂

Below is a list of all reports that we offer for each part of the ThriftCart system, a brief description of the report, and a demonstration video for the report. Some of these reports are active on your account by default, but some will need to be activated internally by our support team. Any reports that are not default reports will be labeled with an asterisk (*). If you would like one of these reports activated on your account, please email support@thriftcart.com and request that they turn on the desired report on your account.

POS Reports

Sales Reports

Daily Summary Report – Demo Video 

View essential daily sales information for a selected date range

Daily Summary Report with COGS Filter – Demo Video 

View Cost of Goods Sold information via the Daily Summary Report

Receipt Tape Report – Demo Video 

See each transaction on a selected date or date range

Category Sales Report – Demo Video 

See statistics of sales and total sale numbers by category

Hourly Sales Report – Demo Video


Sales Dashboard – Demo Video


ThriftCart Pay Deposit Report – Demo Video

View payout information for all credit card transactions

Round up Report – Demo Video

View statistics and totals on collected round-up donations

Daily Sales Table – Demo Video

Download a CSV file of daily sales for a selected date range

Discount ReportDemo Video

See discounts grouped by discount type, cashier, customer, etc. Also see total sales by category before and after discounts.

Price point report*

See frequency and sales volume for each price point to discover your most frequent and most valuable price points

Color Discount Performance Report – Demo Video

See how color discounts affect different categories and different pricing employees.

Color Discount Price Point Report – Demo Video

See the frequency of color discounts used by price point.

Daily Summary by Square Feet – Demo Video

See daily sales with the sales per square foot calculated for each category.

Custom Reports Dashboard – Demo Video

Set up custom reporting dashboards for sales and donations. Also set goals for sales to display on the dashboard.

Discounts as a percent of sales*

See what percent of your total sales was reduced by discounts by day.

Sales period comparison*

See a comparison of sales between any two time periods.

Sales by zip code*

See sales by customer zip code.

Quick Sales Breakdown*

See a quick summary of tender types, total sales, taxable and non-taxable sales, and tax collected

Category Payment Report*

See collected amounts in each tender type by category.

Yearly sales report*

See yearly sales by category, and compare with previous year.

Supplier/Donor Sales Report*

See sales by supplier/donor.

Sub-category report*

See sales from each category and sub-category to determine which categories are performing best.

Return Report*

See a breakdown of returns by reason, including transaction-by-transaction detail

Pending web sales report*

See statistics and information on pending sales from web store

Customer Sales Report*

See sales information split by customer

No-tax sales report*

See information about sales that were tax-free

Daily Summary with tax split*

See daily sales split by taxed and non-taxed

Sales by customer attribute*

See sales figures split by customer attribute.

Daily summary report, split by tax categories*

Daily Summary Report, with sales totals split by each of the tax rates

Inventory and Production Reports

Inventory Count Sheet – Demo Video Part 1 | Demo Video Part 2


Production vs Sales – Demo Video

See a breakdown of the value of inventory items created vs inventory items sold.

Item Production Report*

See which staff members created how many inventory items.

Inventory Value Report*

See the retail value of items with remaining stock in inventory.

Inventory Transfer report*

See value and records of items transferred between stores.

Old Inventory report*

See a list of old items that are still in inventory

Inventory Adjustment Report*

See a list of inventory adjustments and reasons why adjustments occured

Purchased Product Dashboard*

Dashboard of purchased product items including an estimated of when items will sell out

Purchased Product All-Time Profit*

See all time-profit from each purchased product item.

Misclassified purchased product items*

See a list of purchased product items tagged as donated, or donated items tagged as purchased product.

Purchased Product Report with Inventory Adjustments*

Dashboard of purchased product items with the ability to do bulk inventory adjustments.

Inventory value and sales report*

See value of inventoried items and sales for a given date range.

Report on old purchased product*

See a list of purchased product items that have not been sold or added to inventory recently

Tax class report*

See a list of items in a particular category with a specified tax rate

Other POS Reports

Sold Items – Demo Video

View all items that have been marked as “Sold” and need to picked up

Contact Export – Demo Video

Download a CSV file of all customer contacts

Loyalty Points Report*

See a list of loyalty customers, their total spent amount on transactions, and current loyalty point balances.

Store Credit Report – Demo Video

See the list of store credit IDs and the associated customer profiles, if any.

Consignment Report*

See sales split by consignor.

New Customer Report*

See a list of new POS customers in a given date range

Daily Summary by donor*

See daily sales split by donor/supplier

Daily summary report by cashier*

Daily Summary Report filtered by cashier

Daily Summary by square feet, with grouped categories*

See daily sales with the sales per square foot calculated for groups of categories.


Pickup/Stop Reports

Pickup Dashboard Report – Demo Video


Truck stop report


Repeat customer report


Call Log Report


Rejected Item Report


CharityProud Export*

Export pickups and drop-offs to a CharityProud-compatible file format for uploading into CharityProud.

New Donor Report*

Set a date range and view see a list of new donors and customers during that time period.

Pickup Zone Report*

See statistics on donation pickups based on their pickup zone.

Estimated Pickup Item Value Report*

Set and report on the estimated values of items picked up from donors.

Export pickups/contacts*

Export a list of donation pickups and contacts to a CSV (Excel) file.

Pickup Completion and Monetary Donation Report*

See a list of completed pickups and monetary donations associated with pickups compiled together.

Pickup Item Percent Report*

See what percent of pickups contain a specified item.


Timesheets Reports

View/Print Timesheets


Timesheet Aggregate Report


Two-Week Timesheets*

Printable timesheet for a two-week time period

Timesheet Compensation Report*

See employee compensation in a spreadsheet format

Timesheet as CSV* – Demo Video


Timesheet Export*

Export hours worked to a CSV (Excel) file

RelationRank Reports

RelationRank Responses


RelationRank Trend Report


Drop Off Donation Reports

Drop-Off Dashboard Report


Drop-Off Report


Multi-Drop-Off Report


Export drop-offs/contacts*

Export a list of pickups and drop-offs plus current contacts to a CSV (Excel) file.

Estimated Drop-Off Item Value Report*

Set and report on the estimated values of items dropped off at the store.