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Get More Shoppers to the Checkout with These Tips

by | Nov 3, 2022

There are several times a customer should figuratively raise their hand and say, I’m in or Tell me more.  When you understand the conversion points in your store, you are looking for each of those raised hands which lets you know they are proceeding along the way to buying the item.

Source: Bob Phibbs, the Retail Doctor

Foot traffic is an important goal in business success. But more important than getting customers to the store, is getting shoppers to the checkout area.

Below are some tips to help you turn browsing shoppers into paying customers that come back over and over again.

Train Your Employees

When training employees in their work responsibilities, be sure to include the importance of the way they engage with customers.

Consider, for example, the difference between the questions, “Can I help you with anything?” and “What can I help you find today?”

The first question, “Can I help you with anything?”, makes it easy for shoppers to say, “no” and be left alone to continue browsing. The customer may even feel pressured to say, “no” because the question’s wording suggests that they would be inconveniencing the employee if they were to need help.

Consider now, how the second question may play out. A smiling, approachable, yet not-overbearing employee asks, “What can I help you find today?” While the shopper could still say, “nothing” and move on, there is a higher likelihood that the shopper will answer with a product they are looking to find, or a need they would like to fill.

Before you start to present the merchandise, you want the customer to convert from just asking about a product to telling you what they are trying to accomplish. Having one open-ended question can help with this.



Get the Customers Involved and Engaged

When customers feel that they are being treated with great customer service, they will keep coming back for more. If they feel that the employee is sincerely trying to help them fill a need, rather than just make the sale, they will be more likely to open up and ask questions.

“Your goal is to present as much relevant information that the shopper converts from considering an item to seeing in their home. Listen for questions about how to take care of something, replacement parts or dimensions.”


Once an employee understands the customer’s shopping goals, that employee can get the customer engaged in learning about that product.

“When the salesperson is showing the features and benefits of an item, the conversion goal is have them hold it, feel it or climb into it.”



Getting Repeat Shoppers to the Checkout

When customers have this type of engaging shopping experience, they will be more likely to make a purchase and return again. Shoppers love the individualized customer experience that small businesses provide. Be sure to give that experience, and you will create loyal customers, and increase your sales in the process. (Read about small business advantages here.)

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